This website uses cookies.

By continuing to browse this site, you are free to accept the use of certain cookies or other tracers as defined below, with the exception of the "Necessary" category, which enables site navigation.

When you deactivate cookies or tracers, please note that some graphical elements may not be displayed correctly or that you may not be able to use certain applications.

Where applicable, the ASBL Voies d'eau du Hainaut declines all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded operation of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies or tracers necessary for their operation and which you would have refused or deleted.

To learn more about our privacy policy, please visit our "privacy policy" page.

If this concerns third-party cookies or tracers, they are not recorded by the site you are visiting. We therefore invite you to consult the websites of these third parties for more information on the cookies they store and how they manage them.



By informing you about how we manage cookies or tracers, theASBL Voies d'eau du Hainaut undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of data complies with the Law of July 10, 2012 on various provisions relating to electronic communications (cited as the Telecom Law) and transposing European Directive No. 2009/136/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 25, 2009 regarding new constraints and obligations for publishers and owners of websites on information to be provided to visitors, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, the "European Data Protection Regulation") as well as the Law of July 30, 2018 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.


To learn more about our privacy policy, please visit our "privacy policy" page.


What is a cookie?


A cookie is a connection indicator. It is a small text file that may be stored on your computer when you visit websites. Information is stored in this text file, to remind you of your preferences.


In many cases, cookies have an expiry date. For example, some cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser (session cookies). Others remain on your computer for longer, sometimes even until you delete them manually (permanent cookies: you don't have to redefine your preferences each time you visit the site).

There are several types of cookies or tracers, which can be classified according to the domain from which the cookie or tracer is sent, its purpose and the length of time it is retained.


Depending on the field and purpose:


Depending on shelf life



To find out more about cookies and tracers, please visit the website of the Belgian Data Protection Authority at the following address: https: //


How long is consent to the deposit of cookies or tracers retained?


The maximum duration is 13 months. In the meantime, you can change your mind at any time. For which sites is your consent valid?


What else can you do to manage cookies?


You can configure your browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari (iOS), Safari (MacOS), etc.) before accessing the site you wish to visit. At any time, if you want to know which cookies are installed on your device or if you wish to delete them, you can configure your browser.


Your consent applies to the following areas: